Our Company

We are an Indonesian distributor for In-Vitro Diagnostic
instruments and reagents. Our principals include world-leading manufacturers from Europe and the USA.
Together with our highly experienced teams and authorized distributors in all provinces, we assure reliable patient results for our customers, every day and night...
An important part of our service is customer education. Together with leading governmental institutions, Poltekkes, we have developed comprehensive customer training programs called IVD4U. These training modules help our customers to produce reliable, high quality results with confidence.
Our product portfolio covers all routine IVD laboratory systems, such as Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology, ImmunoHematology, Serology and Urine Analysis. All our products are from world-leading international manufacturers in Europe and the United States, and are among the most reliable and most widely used worldwide.
Instruments like Microlab and Selectra are among the most-widely used open Clinical Chemistry analyzers in Indonesia, and our Medonic Hematology analyzers are perfectly suited for routine check-ups from small to large medical facilities, especially hospitals and clinics providing BPJS services. Thus, our instruments are readily available in the eCatalogue of the LKPP.
The new Vision and Vision Max immunohematology analyzers from Ortho Clinical Diagnostics are top of the class in fully-automated crossmatch and bloodtyping for bloodbanks and transfusion centers.
Our staff has vast IVD experience, with additional training and certification by our international partners. With a large, original spare part inventory, we provide competent and fast services.
As contribution to our communities, MRK Diagnostics supports non-profit health care projects in areas such as West-Timur, Papua and Jawa with a focus on disease such as Dengue, Leptospirosis or Malaria.
 Service visit to a health clinic in West-Timur
| For more information please contact us: MRK Diagnostics, PT Rukan Tanjung Mas Raya Jl. Merpati Mas I, Blok B-I, No 46 Jakarta Selatan, 12530, Indonesia
Tel: +62 (0) 21-2270 8191 / 2 Fax: +62 (0) 21-7884 7173 Hotline Service: 082260600530 Hotline Application: 082260600630 Email: info[at]mrk-diagnostics.com |
MRK Diagnostics - Contributing To Healthier Lives
The IVD4U Project is a Private-Public Partnership project sponsored jointly by MRK Diagnostics and the Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation in Germany, as well as the German non-profit organisation sequa.